Davis Rao

Full-Stack Software Engineer

JavaScript | Python | SQL | HTML | CSS
React | Node | Django | Express | Flask | SQLAlchemy | PostgreSQL | Jest | Jasmine | Bootstrap | JQuery


I am a Rithm graduate with full-stack engineering experience across a number of languages and frameworks.

Download my resume or check out a few selected projects below!

Job board built with Node/Express on the back end and React on the front end. Authenticates users, who can log themselves in, view companies, and see jobs.
A Twitter clone built using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL. Utilizes template-rendering via Jinja.
Cafe Menu
photo of cafe app A cafe menu built with React / React Router / React Hooks. Users can view snack menu, view drink menu, or add their own items.

About Me

Hello! I'm Davis, and I'm a full-stack software engineer.

To date, my career has primarily consisted of investing in, advising, and building tech startups. Most recently, I was employee #2 of a venture-backed business that raised north of $10M in capital and grew revenue from $0 to $6M run-rate.

I like solving problems, and am particularly interested in applying my knowledge to helping businesses scale. Along the way, I am most energized by connecting with people and learning what makes us all tick.

When I'm not at my computer, I'm probably running around with my pup, Merlin, playing games, exploring the great Oregon outdoors, or cooking up a tasty meal.